Ahnen – 2024
Ahnen – 2024
This installation consists of a table, a studio background kit and has two sides, front- and backstage. Resembling the more-sidedness of the proces of memorizing. On one side framed cut outs are standing on a table. Spots are projecting the cut out sentences and images on the translucent paper.
In the middle of the room a sceond series of ‘Dot outs’ are hanging freely. Those works are consisting of multiple dots. The public has to actually move around to start recognizing words and images.
I am still working on a soundscape, based on a German text around the research I conducted: After years of artistic research about the implications of European Colonialism for our Now, I felt the urge to dig into my personal history and the way my family has told, memorized or silenced stories.
The research had started with the question of resemblance regarding my grandmothers. Overcoming my own feelings of desinterest in the feminine perspective I focused because of that especially on the female family line.
I have searched for fragments of emancipating and diverse stories in the background of a slightly misogynistic environement.
Starting personal and private the political was obviously nearer by than thought. I have come around memories and archive material which has shedded a new light on the position of my family in the emergence of the Nazi-state. The concept of ‘The Implicated Subject’ by Michael Rothberg helps me to think about their roles when it came to injustices. Which agency had that family of rural people with restricted political influence, how did they contribute and benefit from the Nazi regimes of domination?
Prachtig en waarachtig
Zit ik hier in tranen
En ben omringd met
Ahnen, die mahnen
Freundlich und bestimmt
Sie sind.
Title: Ahnen Mahnen Temporary Out of order
Date: 2024
Installation various 180 x 70 x 240 cm
Cut outs 30x 20 cm
Cut Outs
Cut Outs with dots
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