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The Sunny Side of….

Investigation of how images and quotes has informed my own Eurocentric understanding of the world.
I got fascinated by an obsure tower room with its neo-classicistic ornaments.
Publication Karbon Arnhem File #5 at SONSBEEK ’16 transACTION about gaps in the timeline used in the Dutch primary school curriculum.
Investigation of how images and quotes has informed my own Eurocentric understanding of the world.
In a rotating shadowlamp a parade of skeletons dancing and inviting Labourers for a dance.
Marfa - Texas. How to define this place: a crime scene of history, a monument or a ruin?
The One Day Collective (..) had designed a campaign for purchasing the Dutch Nationality for Anneke.
"Attempting to find in motion what was lost in space", T. Williams, Glasmenagerie
Investigation about unconscious values of labour in children- en folksongs, especially focusing on the old Dutch folksong 'Daar was eens een meisje loos'.
In a rotating shadowlamp a dragon rides a cargo bike.
Succession of watercolour depicting young brave women on boats
Investigation of my own roots.
I have developed various short theatreplays with shadow puppets.
Investigation of the tracing one’s own shadow as a metaphor for questions of identity and difference...

Biography Anneke Ingwersen

Biography Anneke Ingwersen

Anneke Ingwersen (born in Germany) works as an artist, writer and artist educator based in the Netherlands. A year long stay  in the Czech Republic in 1992 made a lifelong impression on her around topics as belonging, migration and cultural identity/diversity.

Initially trained as an art therapist and later as an artist Ingwersen holds an artistic practice around how the shadow could serve as a metaphor for another view on belonging, migration and coloniality of power. Since her Master studies at the Dutch Art Institute of ArtEZ, NL, in 2015 Ingwersen had used her methods to investigate the European Colonial history and its traces in our post-colonial Now, in regard to topics as social discrimination and education.

Her practice combines moments of solitary contemplation and image production of cut outs, shadowplay and installations with moments of knowledge production and sharing with other artists, researchers or groups of pupils or adults. As an artist educator she gives workshops shadowplay, has developed several community art projects and works parttime as an advisor for cultural education at Rozet, Arnhem.

In 2010 she got a stipendship of the Mondrian Fonds (NL) and in 2007 by Gap for the residency at Schloss Ringenberg (D). Her work took part at Sonsbeek 20<24, Sonsbeek ’16 International TransACTION (NL), Van Abbe Museum (NL), Summerschool TAAK at Marfa Texas (US), Schloss Ringenberg (D), Malkasten Düsseldorf (D) and Blast (D), Museum Arnhem (NL). Several of her artworks made on commission are part of the collections of Radboud University and the University of Applied Science, HAN, Nijmegen.

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Helpen Regentrude’s hitte te dekoloniseren?

2023: Weer een zomer waarin hitte records in de hele wereld worden gebroken, droogte afgewisseld wordt met hevige regen, met alle rampzalige gevolgen vandien.

Als sinds een tijd zoek ik naar de bedoeling van mijn onderzoek naar kolonialiteit van Europa, respectieve Nederland, en de doorwerkingen en sporen ervan in het nu. Hoe kan ik met mijn toegenomen kennis over de machtsstructuren niet alleen naar het verleden blijven staren maar vooruitkijkend iets ten goede veranderen? Waarvoor wil ik mij inzetten? Kunnen de Regentrude’s mij hierin helpen?

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